As you watch Mom struggling to think of your name or losing track of her day-to-day routine, an unsettling idea might sneak into your mind: “Is this my fate, too?” It is normal to battle with the fear of facing the same obstacles as a loved one with dementia, but understanding Alzheimer’s better is the first step towards alleviating these fears. We encourage you to take a breath and think about the following facts, causes, and risk factors of Alzheimer’s and dementia to help empower you to navigate these fears and find some peace of mind.

Family History and Genetics

One of the first items to consider is the role of genetics. Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, has a hereditary component. According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), people with a family history of Alzheimer’s have an increased chance of developing the condition themselves. Nevertheless, it is critical to remember that having a parent with Alzheimer’s doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to get it too.

Forms of Alzheimer’s Disease

There are two kinds of Alzheimer’s: early-onset and late-onset. Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, which occurs between the ages of 30 and 60, can be due to specific genetic mutations. These mutations are somewhat rare and are usually passed directly from one generation to the next.

Late-onset Alzheimer’s, which appears after age 60, is much more common and has a less clear genetic link. While genetics do play a role, other factors like environment and lifestyle may also be major contributors. Researchers continue to explore the complicated interplay of these factors; however, it’s acknowledged that having a parent or sibling with Alzheimer’s slightly raises your risk.

Lifestyle and Environmental Issues

While you cannot alter your genetics, you are able to affect your environment and lifestyle. The same healthy habits that are advantageous to your heart are also helpful for your brain. Taking part in regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet high in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and not smoking can all lessen your risk.

Additionally, staying socially and mentally active is also important. Activities that challenge your brain, like learning new skills, doing puzzles, or reading, help build cognitive reserve. Maintaining strong relationships and social interactions play a role in brain health, so keeping your mind active and engaged can perhaps delay the onset of dementia symptoms.

Monitoring and Preventive Measures

Being proactive about your health also can provide peace of mind. Regular check-ups with your doctor can help monitor your cognitive health. If you have fears regarding your memory or other cognitive functions, talking about these with your doctor can result in early detection and intervention.

You might also want to consider genetic testing to find out your risk. Although this can provide some information, it’s important to address it with caution. Knowing your genetic predisposition could be a double-edged sword, as it could cause unnecessary anxiety. You should discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages with a genetic counselor or your physician before proceeding.

Resources and Support

If you are taking care of a loved one with dementia, understand that you are not alone. Support groups, counseling, and educational programs can provide important information and emotional support. Caring for your own mental and emotional health is equally as important as caring for your loved one.

Comfi-Kare Homecare is here to help as well with a comprehensive library of resources to educate you and your family about Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. We also offer specialized dementia care services by highly trained, experienced, and skilled caregivers. Reach out to us at 240-750-6617 any time for more information on how we can help both you and your family member with dementia in Silver Spring, Gaithersburg, and Rockville, as well as the surrounding areas.